effin awesome intro
i really liked how you introduced the rythm guitar with a james bond lick in a different order, it adds a "dude, you're bad!" feel to it.
This is a bit of a pet peeve of mine, i suppose, but the bass drum has too much of a plastic against plastic sound to it, which appears in alot of fast bass drum lines. I just thought it might sound a bit better with more of a "thump" feel to it, maybe by putting some felt on the end of your drum pedal, or if they're computer drums, i would suggest just turning up the bass and down the tenor. but it may just be my taste, everyone has their own liking
At 0:43 where the snare hits come in, the drums sound ever-so-slightly behind. or maybe the guitars are rushing if the drums are computer made.
the background synth (orchestra strings?) need to change in the really quiet part in 1:00, because it really gives the calm part the wrong kind of edge, with the bells and everything, it feels like it should be a major note, or just go along with the bells. suggestion: maybe instead of having the electric bass being the main part, use an orchestral bass, i think that would give it a more ominous feel and fit in better with the fxed acoustic guitar
the lead guitar that goes into 1:44 is a bit loud, or maybe just too thick, I think that it should be more like the icing on the cake rather than the thick of the song, because the surrounding parts are thick enough.
Totally expand on this sucker, dude. it's really really good, but you should include the part at 0:28, in variation of course, perhaps as a transition to the finale of the song. I really really like it, the extensive use of the drums, the hemiolas between the drums and rythm guitars, and the tone of the song is dead on. It's incredible, keep on adding to it!
oh, last thought, at 0:23 where the two guitars fade out, make them change to enharmonics (at least i think that's what they're called, when they go from low to like five octaves higher, u used one in 1:22)